So I must say that I have always been one to enjoy each holiday...and have always tried to not rush through them! I even might say that I have said once or twice "I can't believe they already have the Christmas stuff up!" while shopping in stores. But for some reason...I must confess! I couldn't wait any longer & have started decorating for Christmas! Yes before my rule of waiting for the day after Thanksgiving! I just LOVE decorating...especially for Christmas! It's not that I don't appreciate Thanksgiving & all of its glory of leaves, pumpkins, turkey's, & pilgrims, but let's face it..there are only so many girly decorating options with Thanksgiving. So while I am SO Thankful for Thanksgiving & can't wait to celebrate it with my family. I just couldn't wait to get the ball rolling on Christmas decorating this past weekend!
Now enter Exhibit A...Little A to be exact :D Here is Little A's Christmas tree in her room::
I went in a very girly direction for her room, but also added personal little touches that represent her! I found little music note ornaments for her love of piano music...the only thing that will stop her dead in her tracks & cause her to pay attention for 2.5 seconds in time! Then there is a giant glittery bow shaped represent all the countless bows mommy tries, tries, tries to keep on her :) even though she insists on eventually ripping it off! I also included a star ornament, which represented her birthday party theme this year (11.11 wishes). Then one of my favorites is a glass ballerina...and although she is too little for dance at this age (she just turned 1!) she insists on walking only on her tippy-toes, which calls for everyone who witnesses it to say "awe she is going to be a little ballerina!" Then the last ornament that isn't just for decorating the tree, but holds a special representation, is the two keys...because she simply is the key to mommy & daddy's heart!
So there you have it! Proof that I am guilty of decorating before Thanksgiving...but can you honestly tell me you haven't started or even thought about decorating for Christmas yet!!?
Until next blog...
...i must confess!

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