Until next blog...
Is there something going on? Is it contagious or in the water? I'm talking about people & their negativity.... It truly is about to drive me insane. (Which I am totally working on not letting it, because then those kind of people succeed at exactly what their trying to do!) But if people don't start standing up saying enough is enough, when will it ever start to slow down or at least start to get better? I understand everyone has the right to their opinion or "freedom" of speech, or that someone did something to you so you are bitter or hurt, but when will we ever stop? Doesn't everyone have excuses for anything that they do? I could give you a laundry list of life events that I have gone through that I could use as my excuse line, but I don't. I want to be different. I want to be positive. I want to see good in the world. It is coming at me from all angles lately...but I'm standing my ground. I will always try to find & spread the good. After all, I find this world to STILL be a beautiful place!
Until next blog...

Poor Monday...
Every week it seems to be the same ol' pattern...starting around Sunday evening to all day Monday, news-feeds everywhere fill up with "where did the weekend go? I hate Monday! Can't Wait until Friday! Monday is the worst..." You've seen it, you may even have said it or like everyone, you at least thought it. But if we change the way we think, we could learn to love Monday...if even just a little! I mean think about it this way....
Anyone else in joining me in changing the way we think about Monday?
Until next blog...

what matters most?
Wouldn't people everywhere start an amazing thing if we all saw the things that truly mattered most...Is that thought even possible or is it impossible because the things that truly matter most in life are different & vary to every person? Feel free to share your comments & thoughts...
Until next blog...
Until next blog...

...when skies are grey!
I can just see this in a nursery or little boys room! Would also be really cute in a bathroom! Such a fun, sweet print! Enjoy!
Until next blog...

powerful words,
tiffany blue,
I think I have created a new hobby for myself, taking quotes I find or love & making them into little artworks to share or print out for all to see! Enjoy!!!
Until next blog...
Until next blog...

beautiful quote...
Sometimes when I am pinning away on pinterest, I come across a quote that seems to fit exactly how I feel or what I think. This quote I stumbled upon does just that. I made it into this chic little print! I plan on "pinning" this in our home for all to see & to remind myself just how I feel when I start to feel discouraged. Enjoy!!!
Until next blog...
Until next blog...

never, never....
Just like the old saying goes "Don't judge a book by its cover," people need to also remember to "Never judge a girl by her handbag!" I say this for many reasons, here are just a few...1) I feel like some people tend to decide whether one has money or not by the bag a girl may carry 2) That some people think that just because a girl carries a nice bag she MUST think she is better than everyone else & 3) Who does she think she is carrying THAT bag?! Anyone else out there with me?
For me, my love of handbags started when I was little. I witnessed my Memaw (very much a lady, cared for her appearance, & loved to spend money on her wardrobe) select her handbags based on quality, craftsmanship, & timeless style. If you could have met my Memaw you would have known that her handbags were not a way to say to others I am
I remember the first bag my Memaw gave me. I was probably 4 when she gave me my first "designer" handbag. All I have left of it is a photograph...with my dad, Memaw, & myself, bag on one shoulder, holding hands with her & Barbie in the other, oh how I wish I still had that bag! You see when your 4 you don't know what things cost or what a designer is, so I (now regretfully) threw it in the "mission bag." My parents were great about teaching me that when you get new things you should go through & clean out your old things, then in turn give to those less fortunate than yourself. I didn't know at the time, that some things you just DON'T throw out because they will mean so much to you long after your Memaw is gone & that if that thing is a handbag from her, it probably cost her a pretty penny.
Anyways....after I got older I started to appreciate handbags. I recognized that although I may like certain handbags that cost more than what others are willing to pay, it didn't mean that I was better than them. It just meant that, that's the bag I liked & I was willing to pay the cost. Anyone that shops can buy something that has a hefty price tag on it...does it mean that they are privileged or wealthy? Not in the slightest. They may have worked hard & saved for that purchase or they may be in credit card debt up to their eyeballs for all you know. Does it mean that they think they are better than everyone? Some might have that mentality (& if they do, that doesn't mean everyone else does too!), but you might be surprised to find that some don't at all, but rather that's just what they like. Just remember, never judge a girl by her handbag!
Until next blog....

lessons learned,
live by,
powerful words,
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