This quote means more than just words that Ben Franklin wrote or said... If you truly read and take in the meaning, you get the message he was sending. Take it phrase by phrase and apply it to your life.
:Be civil to all: Do not treat people with
:Be sociable to many: Learn from people as much as possible. Explore all different walks of life, that is why we are all individuals. If we were all alike, life would be boring and we would never learn anything. Talk with everyone. You might learn so much more than if you just shut the world out or keep a closed mind.
:Familiar with few: Although being sociable is a must, that doesn't mean every single person you meet is your friend or that you have to tell your life story to everyone who crosses your path. Save your secrets. Tell only those closest to you. While it is a good thing to talk with everyone and give them a chance, you shouldn't let too many people in on all that is you and what makes you who you are. Save it for those willing to listen and those who genuinely care for you. There is a difference in being friendly and a difference in babbling on like your the only person on the planet!
:Friend to one: Sure at some point in your life you will think "
:Enemy to none: Enough said. Do not do things in your life that will make people not care for you. Be nice. No matter what, just be you. If people do not like it, they do not belong in your life. If they talk bad about you, let them, and do not talk about them in turn. In fact, do not waste your time on them and they will just go away. Do not hang onto them because then you will just become enemies, which causes all involved to lose. We make life, love, and friendships so much more complicated then it really is. Just be you. No matter what life gives you. Keep your head and spirits up. Even during the most difficult will work itself out. It always does. Remember that the hard times can't last forever...just be patient and remember that we all have our problems...different solutions...and our own ways of looking at things.
Until next blog...
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